
U.S. History (Gr. 11) New West Charter
Semester 2 Research Paper:
“A People’s History of the United States” (CP)
The United States has a rich history that is chock full of interesting facts and information. However, most of this
history is written from a particular biased standpoint: the victor. Most history textbooks are written this way for a
plethora of reasons. Some believe it is to glorify the United States or to raise a generation of patriot Americans
who love the United States no matter what. In the current domestic and international climate, it is so important to
realize that there are always two sides a story, and to understand some of the U.S.’s “alternative” history. This may
actually help raise a generation of American’s who can respect their countries history while not dooming
themselves to repeat its mistakes.
You will choose an era of United States history (listed below) and contrast it with “traditional textbook”
information. You will create a strong thesis outlining why you think that it the subject matter is left out of the
traditional textbook. You will conduct research using reliable, academic sources in order to support your choice
and thesis. Try to stay away from supporting your thesis with only the opinion of historians or other academic
authors; use counter information to help make your point. Support your thesis using historical themes, events, and
evidence that you identify and analyze. You will submit this essay in several stages:
• Topic: Due Monday February 24
• Research question: Due Friday March 6
• Annotated Bibliography: Due Wednesday March 25
• Thesis and main arguments (Outline): Due Thursday April 2
• First draft: Due Friday April 17
• Second draft: Due Friday April 24
• Final draft: Due Tuesday May 5
The final draft of your essay should meet the following criteria:
• Discusses and gives clear evidence to substantiate your choice of historical era
• 1000 – 1500 words
• Typed, double-spaced, font size 12, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins
• Uses at least FOUR reliable, academic sources
• Includes proper Chicago style formatted citations and works cited page
Periods of American History:
NOTE: These are approximations; if you think that another chapter coincides with your topic you are welcome to
use that chapter!
• Colonization:
o Chapters: 1 – 3
• Revolution and Constitution
o Chapters: 4 – 6
• Early 19th Century
o Chapters: 6 – 8
• Civil War Era
o Chapters: 9 – 10
• Industrial Revolution
o Chapters: 10 – 11
• Turn of the Century
o Chapters: 12 – 13
• World War I
o Chapter: 14
• Prosperity and Depression
o Chapter: 15
• World War II
o Chapter: 16
• Cold War
o Chapter: 18
• People’s Movement
o Chapters: 17, 19
• Post Civil Right’s Era
o Chapters: 20, 22 – 23
• Present
o Chapters: 24 – 25
Essay Example:
Topic: Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress
Question: Why are the details about the Natives of North America left out of textbooks?
Thesis: Europeans coming to North America had a profound impact on the land and those who were living there:
the Native Americans. Through mostly negative interactions, the colonists, created a lasting legacy of racism and
violence that plagued the Native Americans throughout much of the United States history, much of which goes
Main Arguments:
• The Arawak and other Native American tribes are barely mentioned in the textbook. They are generally
seen as the opposition and a barrier to the success of the colonies.
• Zinn goes into detail on how the Native Americans had a culture that was as diverse as those in Europe
and had a more egalitarian society than those in Europe.
• Probanzas de méritos does bring to light how Columbus thought of the lands, but not the people living on
the land. Zinn mentions that Columbus saw the Native Americans as a commodity.
• Numerous articles, from reputable sources, have written about the absence of Native American culture in
American history textbooks, dubbing American textbooks as “pro-America”
• Simple searches yield many sources that explain the complexity of the Native American culture.
Try to think of some interesting American history topics to include in your writing:
• Environmentalism
• Civil rights
• LGBTQ history
• Economics
• Women’s history
• Imperialism
• Military history
• Political history
• American elections
• Immigration
• Agricultural history
• The Constitution
• Labor history
• Crime, justice, and law enforcement
• Popular culture
• Religious history
• American youth culture
You can find a free digital copy of “A People’s History of the United States” here:
You can find a free digital copy of a textbook here:
You are more than welcome to buy your own copy of Zinn so you can annotate it. IT IS COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY
Essay Grading Rubric: A People’s History of the United States (CP)
Category/Descriptor Points
The essay reflects a thorough and detailed
understanding of the context and themes of
American history upon which the topic and
research were focused.
The text is written in a persuasive style,
features a clear and well-supported thesis,
and the essay is argument driven by the
author rather than overwhelmed with quotes
and paraphrases.
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
The essay is informed by at least FOUR
reliable, academic sources that are used
effectively to substantiate and support
Sources are properly cited within the body of
the text, and a properly formatted
“bibliography” or “works cited” page is
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
The overall structure and individual
paragraphs are well organized for clarity and
a smooth flow of ideas.
Formal academic language is used
throughout, vocabulary choices are sound,
lending clarity and specificity to the paper,
and there are virtually no grammar, spelling,
sentence structure or punctuation issues.
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
The essay is very interesting and informative,
with enriching details that engage the reader.
It is thoughtfully analyzed, artfully written,
and well edited.
The essay is complete, meets ALL assignment
criteria, and shows evidence of planning and
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
Total: _______/40




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