
A wide range of research designs is available for use in educational research

A wide range of research designs is available for use in educational research. It is imperative that the research methodology be selected based upon the characteristics of the study, as opposed to the preferences of the
researcher (Creswell, 2002). Briefly define quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method research designs. Using
these definitions as a foundation, determine the appropriate research design for a study exploring the barriers
and issues that challenge a technology integrated curriculum as perceived by high school teachers. Provide
examples or citations from current research literature that justify your research design and briefly explain
possible limitations of the study.

“Research has shown that student achievement is directly related to the preparation that teachers receive,
particularly in the subjects they teach, and to the overall effectiveness of teachers in delivering
instruction…How teachers acquire this effectiveness is at the heart of the challenge that schools face in raising
student achievement.” (Goldstein &Noguero, 2006) Examine the theoretical frameworks that underlie the evaluation
process of teachers. Evaluate how the peer assistance and review (PAR) program of evaluation can be utilized in  your work setting to improve classroom instruction.