Adverse Event Management
After being admitted a medication ,25 years old male experience extreme nausea and vomiting which resulted in
a prolong stay in the hospital. On initial investigation it appeared the original order was for three times
the recommended dose.
Number of words is not important because it is in the form of a report.
Is an incident and I wanted to report on the work requirements attached, you create an incident form.
Need a creative& realistic thinking of this case by answering the questions and creating skillful points and
scheduled as needed.
Questions and forms attached:
1. Adverse Event Type
a. Sentinel
b. Adverse
i. Mild Harm
ii. Moderate ? Severe Harm
c. Near Miss
1. Classification by Causes
a. Omission
b. Commission
c. Traditional
2. Write a Combine shared Vision and Need statement
a. Brainstorm on Opportunities and Threats prevent
i. What are the consequences if you do not prevent these events?
ii. What are the benefits if you prevented these events?
b. Vision Statement:
i. Is the vision motivating and energizing?
ii. What are the things you want the improvement to be known for patients?
iii. What are the words which describe what your patients would see, hear, or feel if the prevention efforts
are successful.
c. Need Statement:
i. Who are the key stakeholders affected by this initiative, and how much importance dose each give to the
ii. Have we framed the need for change in such a way to reflect the concerns of patients and stakeholders?
iii. Would each team member deliver essentially the same message regarding the need for the change if asked by
someone outside of the team?
iv. Why must you prevent these events?
3. Write Elevator Speech for Disclosure to patient
a. Our AIM of our investigation is to ?
b. The investigation into root causes is important because?
c. Results of our investigation will be disclosed to you in the following way?
4. Design a One Page Event Reporting Form
a. patient demographics and characteristics
b. checklist for different levels of harm from the event
c. checklist for at least four categories of independent variables describing how total events are distributed
in organization
i. clinical unit
ii. staff disciplines
iii. different processes such as medication administration
iv. Etc
d. finalize report form with all data elements
5. Data Collection and Analysis on One Year of Simulated Number of Events.
a. Prepare summary table for monthly number of events for 12 months
i. Refer to sample Excel worksheet provided by consultant
ii. Refer to Excel sample trend line and bar graphs prepared by consultant
6. Review the J.C.I. Project Charter
a. complete charter as homework assignment
7. Develop a process Mapping on Flip Chart
a. High level horizontal map limited to 5 process steps
i. Optional: use SIPOC to design process map
8. Root Cause Analysis:
a. Use fishbone diagram to identify and list at least 5 different types of root causes: people, equipment,
process, etc.
b. Start with proximate cause and use 5 why analysis inquiry among team members to develop root cause
9. Develop Solutions
a. Develop one solution or prevention strategy for each root cause
b. use effective- achievable decision matrix to categorize and prioritize each solution action plan
10. Action Plans
a. Complete a WWW action plan tool
b. incorporate this into quality management report for home work assignment
12. Write a quality management report
a. use the A 3 report format
b. start with a complete JCI charter
c. use information documented during the course
d. End with a completed JCI WWW
taxation research
Facts: Jose Hernandez is president of Hernandez Specialty Equipment Corporation, a C corporation based in
Miami. He plans to purchase a new corporate jet that will be used by corporate officers and other employees to
attend business meetings around the country. He said that too much time is now lost due to the airport
security measures that have been implemented in the last several years and he believes that he could get a
good price on the aircraft if he purchases it this year.
When the jet is not being used for business trips, it will be made available to the top four corporate
officers for their personal use. Jose is looking forward to being able to fly to Sonoma, California on the new
jet when he takes his family there to his vacation home in the wine country. Jose wants to make sure that all
of the expenses for the aircraft will be fully deductible by the corporation. He is aware that the officers
may have some taxable compensation on their personal use of the jet. He wants to know what type of records he
needs to set up to be able to determine the value of personal travel on the new jet and what methods are
acceptable in determining that valuation. For example, can the corporation use the cost of a first-class
ticket on a commercial aircraft as the amount that should be taxed to employees for their personal use? He
wants to make sure that if the corporation is audited by the IRS, he will have all of the required
documentation. So he needs your assistance in determining if any limits will be placed on the company?s
deduction for the jet (his desire is to maximize the deduction for the corporation) and how to determine the
amount of taxable compensation to the employees for their personal use of the job.
Required: Research the above issues for Hernandez Specialty Equipment Corporation and prepare a ?memo to file?
as shown in your textbook on page 92. Your memo should have four sections: (1) facts, (2) issues (stated as
questions), (3) conclusions (short answers to each issue), and (4) discussion of your reasoning and
authorities. When writing the discussion section of your memo, start with the Internal Revenue Code section,
then the Regulation section, then any relevant IRS rulings or other pronouncements, and finally any relevant
court cases. Please be sure to include appropriate citations for any primary sources you cite (refer to Figure
2A.2 on page 91 in your textbook for examples of citations). You can use secondary authority to assist you in
locating primary authorities, but you cannot cite any secondary authorities in your memo to file (you must
find the appropriate primary authority and cite only that). You do not need to prepare a client letter?only
the memo to file. Submit one memo per group.
Before you begin, you should read pages 87-93 in Chapter 2 and pages 576-585 in Appendix A of your textbook.
Look under Web Links on Blackboard for links to Checkpoint and Lexis.
? Using Checkpoint: You can access Checkpoint from anywhere you have an internet connection but you will need
a username and password to access it (see user names and passwords next to the link under External Links on
Blackboard). Only one student can use each user name at one time. Checkpoint has a topical index that you may
find easier to use than doing a keyword search. Refer to pages 576-585 in your textbook for illustrated
instructions on how to research using Checkpoint (particularly focus on using a Topical Index starting on page
? Using Lexis: You do not need a password to access Lexis from any on-campus computer, but Lexis does not have
a topic index (instead you must do a keyword search). You can also access Lexis from off-campus by signing on
the same as you would for accessing other online library databases. You may find Lexis helpful to retrieve a regulation or ruling once you have the citation.