
Automobile Industry Analysis

You are asked to make long analysis about the automobile industry and a specific automobile company. It is required from you to include in your paper analysis based on statistical information. Evaluate the company’s financial performance and comment on the pricing strategy as well. The purpose is to have a comprehensive picture about the industry and the company.

You are required to define the target population for the car model for what you choose (. Display the shares of the market for the model along with competitive models on the market. Comment on the following statistics: gender, sales, color, quality etc.
You also should present in your findings a financial status of the firm. For this you should use public financial statements for the last three years. You are asked to critically analyze the financial performance with the market trends from the statistics you obtained.
Finally you should make some suggestions about the pricing methods that should be used in order get a better position on the market.
Business Analysis
You are to determine your business analysis content and structure according to what your boss would need to know about the sector. An indicative but not exhaustive outline could include the following:

I. Introductory Page
a. Describe your task
b. List the tools you will use.

II. Industry Analysis
a. Future outlook and trends
b. Analysis of competitors
c. Market segmentation
d. Industry forecast

III. Analyzing the books (Last 3 year financial analysis of chosen company)

a. Present the main changes in the Balance Sheet
b. Present the main changes in the Profit and Loss account
c. Present the main changes in the Cash Flow (if available)
d. Ratio Analysis (2-3 Profitability Ratio, 2-3 Efficiency Ratio, 2-3 Liquidity Ratio)

V. Model Comparison with a competitive model
a. SWOT Analysis

V. Pricing
a. Suggest different pricing strategies
b. Implement different costing methods
VI. Conclusion
VII. References
VIII. Appendix