Case / Managment
Write a report based ona designatedcase application below from the Robbins; Coulter; Sidani and Jamali ‘Management’ text. Your report should include the following information:
• complete company name, company’s start, line of business, management team, and recent performance
• identification of the company’s mission, goals, and corporate strategy.
• notable managementissues
• reflection on whether you would consider working for such a company (provide a convincing argument to support your endorsement or condemnation of the company)
1. Provide an overview and control the task
2. Identify and discuss relevant management issues
3. Access & document relevant resources
4. Use professional language appropriate to the task including:
• register
• vocabulary choice
• complexity of language and tone
All case applications have been taken from Coulter, M. / Robbins, S. (2011). Management with MyManagementlab (Arab World ed./e). Pearson Education. ISBN: 9781408284735
Case Application 4 – CSR in Agility Logistics (Chapter 5 page 120)
Over the past few years Agility Logistics, based in Kuwait, has won several CSR awards. Company officials assert that this is not a mere public relations or marketing effort. Mariam Al- Foudery, vice president, Communications & Corporate Social Responsibility, emphasizes on the company’s website that “giving back is part of Agility’s company culture. We take it seriously, but we also takeit personally.” The company’s CSR report indicates that the company helped 383,583 people in over 45 countries. The company’s priorities revolve around three things: (1) investing in the community, (2) humanitarian logistics, and (3) green steps.
Community investment included such projects as refurbishing a school in Iraq, supporting a cancer treatmentcenter in Lebanon, teaching life skills in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, mentoring students in Jordan and Kuwait, transporting and distributing food for needy people in Singapore, supporting livelihoods in India, conducting nationwide food drives in the U.S., planting trees in Turkey, and helping setup up computer centers in Uganda. The humanitarian and emergency logistics program included moving food containers to help the victims of earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and wars in Pakistan, China, Sudan, Lebanon, Iraq, Myanmar, U.S. Philippines, and Bangladesh. Green stepsinitiatives including eliminating millions of plastic bottles, contributing to research on supply chain de-carbonization, and implementing recycling programs in Agility’s offices around the world.
Agility has concentrated its efforts in Kuwait on two things: the environment and youth. Agility has been supporting the Lothan Youth Achievement Centre (LOYAC) for many consecutive years, making sure that youth have training and development opportunities. Agility also funds Injaz (Junior AchievementWorldwide), with Agility employees additionally mentoring 100 teenagers in public and private schools in hands-on business skills. Agility also has been giving financial support to Mentor Arabia, which aims help young children say no to drugs.