
Creating an Electronic Mathematics Portfolio


The portfolio is an opportunity for you to engage in mathematics as a learner. The electronic portfolio will
consist of an introduction, your solutions to 3 problems, a visual project with related task, and a conclusion.
Refer to the assessment guide provided.
Choose an appropriate Web 2.0 tool or alternative presentation tool. For example, you might consider using
Glogster, Voice Thread, or Prezi. You might consider setting up a Wiki.
Prepare an introduction to the portfolio by providing information on the contents, why you chose the problems you
did and how the visual presentation relates to mathematics.
For the 3 problems, no more than 2 of them may come from the problems posed and worked on in class.
The visual project is a visual media representation of a mathematical concept that may appear in mathematics, art,
or everyday life. Possible projects include examples of tessellations, fractals, optical illusions, origami,
string art, topology, polyhedron models. This project will be presented to the class and must include a hands-on
component. Your presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes.
Prepare a conclusion for your portfolio including a reflection of yourself as a mathematical problem solver, your
experience with the visual project in terms of your own mathematics learning and as a future teacher and your
growth as a mathematical thinker through your completion of this portfolio.