
Crime problems in Canada are as a result of our failure to get tough on crime.

In Canada an ongoing debate occurs about getting tough on crime. One side of the debate argues that in order
to respond appropriately to criminals we need to get tougher on crime. Our current minority government lead by
Mr. Harper has instigated several reforms in order to get tougher on crime. There are more offences which must
receive mandatory jail time. Minimum sentences were also increased so Judges have less discretion and have to
send all people committing similar offences for a minimum period of time to jail. Reforms have meant getting
tougher on drug and firearm offences by increasing sentences and consequences, limiting the use of conditional
sentences (allowing people to serve jail sentences at home on good behaviour), and putting more people in jails.

The United States has similar political themes on “Getting Tough on Crime.” In the United States the “Three
Strikes” sentencing laws (although certain variations exist) provide that after three convictions for serious or
violent offences a person receives a life sentence.

Canada should get tough on crime and lock more criminals in jail longer. Debate