David Nicol (2011)
In the text, David Nicol (2011) explains, There is no such thing as good teaching without good feedback? (p.108).
As an instructor, you will be providing feedback to students on a continual basis. Many instructors keep a tip
sheet or checklist handy while grading. For this assignment, create a tip sheet or checklist of your own that
After encountering a raft of plagiarism in my online classrooms over the past year, my deep frustration caused me
to reach back into history for a solution to the problem, and I found it: a device that was introduced during the
French Revolution to take care of troublemakers. It is known as the guillotine and is pictured above.
Before you get too worried about me as your instructor, let me point out two core values that are very important
to me. The first is that I am resolutely opposed to capital punishment, so be assured that my punishment scenarios
did not linger long on this particular solution. The second is that I also believe that the punishment should be
commensurate with the crime, so the guillotine fails on that score as well.
OK, so the wrong-doers got to keep their heads but how do I deal with plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty?