
Fiscal Policy: Government Expenditures and Revenues, Budget, National Debt(ECO 202 Module 4 SLP)


Monetary and fiscal policies, and the trends in the economic environment over time, can have both subtle and
major affects on almost all organizations.

place yourself in the position of being a paid lobbyist for your organization. Pick two or three major
fiscal or monetary policy initiatives you would lobby Congress about. However, this is not in general, this is for
your organization, not for the economy as a whole, so make sure to take that specific focus.

1. As your organization’s lobbyist, what would you like to see done by the Federal government that would be
of help to your organization? This could be what the government could do or what they could stop doing. It can
be all fiscal, all monetary, or a mix of each type of policy. As a lobbyist it is not your job to be concerned
with the deficit, or the environment, or the general health of the financial system (unless, of course, you are
lobbying for an environmental, financial, or deficit reduction group).

2. The majority of lobbying efforts centers around fiscal policy so we will stick with that area. Please
discuss your opinions on lobbying regarding if it is useful and should continue as is, if it should continue but
with constraints to limit how much is done, or if it should be eliminated.