Guided Article Summary

What are the authors’ names, and what year was the article published?2.What is primary the research question (what are the authors trying to find out)?3.How did the researchers answer their question? (What did the researchers do, or ask the participants to do for the procedure of this study? And what kind of study was it– experiment, archival data review, correlational study, observational etc.?)4.What do the authors hypothesize (what results do the authors expect to find)? 5.Summarize the major findings from the study, including information on whether or not the authors’ hypotheses were supported.6.What real world application and/or implications do these studies have?

Guided Article Summary

What are the authors’ names, and what year was the article published?2.What is primary the research question (what are the authors trying to find out)?3.How did the researchers answer their question? (What did the researchers do, or ask the participants to do for the procedure of this study? And what kind of study was it– experiment, archival data review, correlational study, observational etc.?)4.What do the authors hypothesize (what results do the authors expect to find)? 5.Summarize the major findings from the study, including information on whether or not the authors’ hypotheses were supported.6.What real world application and/or implications do these studies have?