Healthcare Administrator
ou are working as a healthcare administrator for a hospital when the following sentinel event occurred. Read the below case study and develop a detailed root cause analysis and action plan in response to a sentinel event.
Include risk reduction strategies.
Include question and answer format for your analysis.
Your analysis and action plan report should be thorough and complete in addressing the medical error and how to prevent the error from occurring again.
Research and apply RCA templates as part of your report.
Case Study-Sentinel Event:
A 16-year-old patient came to the hospital to deliver her baby. During the process of her care, an infusion intended exclusively for the epidural route was connected to the patient’s peripheral intravenous line and infused by pump. The patient experienced cardiovascular collapse. A cesarean section resulted in the delivery of a healthy infant, but the medical team was unable to resuscitate the mother. The media attention surrounding the error accelerated through the national provider and safety community when the nurse was charged with a criminal offense. These events set in motion intense internal and external scrutiny of the hospital’s medication and safety procedures. To further understanding about latent systems gaps and process failure modes, a root cause analysis of the event was conducted.
You are required to follow the guidelines below when writing your response:
Type in Microsoft Word, 12pt. font size, Times New Roman or Arial font type
Provide the question and the answer; Support answers with examples
Thoroughly answer all components listed in assignment criteria and instructions.
Adhere to the APA 6th edition guidelines
Utilize Grammar to ensure proper spelling and grammar.