Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory and Blake/Mouton’s Managerial Grid
1. Using Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, explain why the technologists were motivated to contact the labor union.
2. Using Blake/Mouton’s Managerial Grid, explain the leadership style displayed by management to the staff.
Case Study
We Only Wanted to “Scare” Management Into Making Changes!
A small group of technologist, employed at a large community hospital, were unhappy about their work environment
and would meet daily during lunch to discuss the situation. There had been a recent change in the hospital’s
senior management, which caused a high level of uncertainty and anxiety among the staff. The technologist felt
overworked due in part to the industry’s shortage. Their wages and benefits had been stagnant with no salary
market adjustments for the past two years. The technologist saw the situation as management requiring them to do
more work with fewer resources, with no appreciation or recognition of their efforts. Whenever the technologist
approached management with their concerns, they perceived them as falling on deaf ears since no changes were made.
Feeling like they had no other choice, the technologist contacted a labor union. The labor union began an
organizing effort in the hospital shortly thereafter, holding an aggressive campaign over a six-week period. There
was tremendous peer pressure, as some of the well-respected staff became active leaders for unionization, although
they were not part of the initial group of technologist who had first contacted the union. The election was held
and the union was voted in by two thirds of the staff. In the weeks that followed, the original group of
technologist remarked that they were surprised by the union’s victory; they had only wanted to “scare” management
into making changes to their work environment.
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory can be found in “Organizational Behavior in Health Care” Kindle page 2978