1. What term would be most useful in explaining the period of rapid cultural progress when humans learned to make stone tools, sew clothes, and paint the walls of rock caves?
a. epic
b. Upper Paleolithic
c. archetype
d. cuneiform
2. What ancient Near Eastern ruler revived the power of the city of Babylon and rebuilt it in grand fashion with an imposing gate and a multi-layered ziggurat?
a. Nebuchadnezzar
b. Cyrus
c. Ramses II
d. Hammurabi
3. What characterized ancient Egyptian mythology?
a. a focus on dominant earth- and mother-goddesses
b. an elaborate interest in life after death
c. the belief in a single, all-powerful father god
d. gods with human traits of weakness and vanity
4. Ancient Indian civilization of South Asia was most noted for which of these works?
a. the Epic of Gilgamesh
b. Hammurabi’s Code
c. the Vedas and Upanishads
d. stepped ziggurats
5. In which of these civilizations or sites would one expect to find a mythic tiger carved of precious jade?
a. Shang
b. Babylon
c. Lascaux
d. Amarna
6. What geographic feature provided the center of early human cultures in the South American continent?
a. the Andes range of mountains
b. the Mesopotamian plain
c. the great river valley of the Amazon
d. limestone caves and caverns
7. Rituals involving bull-leaping and female snake deities or priestesses are associated with what ancient civilization?
a. classical Greek
b. Minoan
c. Hellenistic Greek
d. Mycenaean
8. In what work would one expect to learn of the exploits of Achilles, Hector, and Odysseus?
a. Sophocles’ Oedipus the King
b. Hesiod’s Theogony
c. Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics
d. Homer’s Iliad
9. The Dipylon Amphora, painted with primitive human figures, is typical of what technique in vase painting?
a. classical
b. red-figure
c. post-and-lintel
d. geometric
10. Which of these might best be cited as an example of hubris, that arrogant and self-destructive pride which often led to the violation of the Greek ideal of balance and self-restraint?
a. Pericles
b. Aristotle
c. Alexander
d. Oedipus
11. How would the technique of contrapposto most likely be used?
a. estimate the height of a temple’s columns
b. calculate the distance between columns
c. represent a human figure in sculpture
d. defend the acropolis from attack
12. Which Athenian tragedian – the last of classical Athens’ three great tragic playwrights – sought to show people as they really were, not as they should be?
a. Thespis
b. Aeschylus
c. Euripides
d. Sophocles
13. Which of these works is the best example of propaganda designed to glorify the person and power of the Roman emperor?
a. Augustus of Primaporta
b. Pont du Gard
c. Apollo of Veii
d. Basilica of Constantine
14. Which of these was used to carry water to a Roman city?
a. Pantheon
b. Basilica of Constantine
c. Forum of Trajan
d. Pont du Gard
15. In which of these works would one expect to read a bitterly humorous criticism of Rome’s decadence and corruption?
a. Ovid’s Metamorphoses
b. Juvenal’sSatires
c. Catullus’ love poetry
d. Virgil’s Aeneid
16. What was the greatest achievement of Cicero, the late Republican intellectual?
a. satirical attacks on Rome’s hypocrisy and corruption
b. witty social comedies of mistaken identity and farcical plots
c. a long philosophy poem reflecting Epicurean belief
d. eloquent speeches in defense of Rome’s republican government
17. According to the Buddha, what was the purpose of human knowledge?
a. blissful union with a heavenly father
b. the historical redemption of the Hebrew nation
c. the extinction of all selfish striving and desire
d. obedience to the revealed scriptures of God
18. What event or development transformed the Roman empire in the centuries before the rise of Christianity?
a. An Egyptian religious cult converted an emperor and threatened Roman traditions.
b. A violent civil war arose between patrician and plebeian factions.
c. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes destroyed important Roman cities.
d. Barbarian armies swept through the empire, disrupting the civil order.
19. What was the apostle Paul’s chief accomplishment?
a. to write a moving and dramatic story of Christ’s life
b. to issue an edict legalizing Christianity in the Roman world
c. to articulate the first great Christian philosophy of history
d. to write letters advising Christian communities in Greco-Roman cities
20. Which topic or concept is most closely associated with the ideas of Augustine of Hippo, an early “father” of the Christian church?
a. the Torah
b. the One or the Good
c. apocalypse
d. original sin
21. Who was the sixth-century Byzantine emperor who temporarily reunited eastern and western Roman empires and revised the Roman law code?
a. Justinian
b. Abraham
c. Constantine
d. Augustine of Hippo
22. Which structure could be described as a “domed basilica”—that is, having the rectangular spaciousness of the basilica style and the grandeur of a domed interior?
a. Hagia Sophia
b. St. Peter’s, Rome
c. Pantheon, Rome
d. Sant’ Apollinare in Classe
23. To what ancient city would you travel to see the Muslim shrine called the Dome of the Rock, built on the former site of the Jewish Temple?
a. Mecca
b. Constantinople
c. Jerusalem
d. Ravenna
24. Which statement is best associated with the Viking age?
a. Europe blossomed with a “white mantle of churches”
b. an age of tolerance was instituted in Muslim Spain
c. Norse raiders plundered much of Christian Europe
d. pilgrims traveled the great “roads” to reach Santiago de Compostela
25. What European leader nurtured a rebirth or flowering of early medieval culture centered at his palace on the Rhine River?
a. Constantine
b. St. Augustine
c. Charlemagne
d. Beowulf
26. What kind of person would most likely have sung the Song of Roland?
a. a Norman minstrel
b. a student of Abelard
c. a Cluniac monk
d. a feudal peasant
27. The Caliphate of Córdoba is best associated with what phenomenon?
a. development of the Romanesque style in architecture
b. a flowering of Arabic learning and culture
c. the invention of musical notation
d. conflict between German rulers and the pope
28. Which of these figures composed an influential set of rules for Christian monks?
a. Charlemagne
b. Hildegard of Bingen
c. Peter Abelard
d. St. Benedict
29. Which statement best describes the abbey church of Ste.-Foy in Conques, France?
a. an influential example of Romanesque architecture
b. site of Charlemagne’s coronation by the pope
c. served as chapel for the three generations of Roman emperors
d. based on the floor plan of San Vitale in Ravenna
30. Which statement most accurately describes the clef?
a. a song usually accompanied by an organ
b. a medieval system of four-note chords
c. it first arose in the Muslim Spain
d. it established the key note of a musical staff
31. During what period and in what locale was the Gothic style of building at its height?
a. the Muslim world during the early caliphates
b. the ancient Near East about the time of Hammurabi
c. Italy in the time of Caesar Augustus
d. medieval Europe about 1250
32. What writings were “discovered” by Europe’s scholars through Arabic translations and commentaries, prompting an intellectual revival in medieval schools and universities?
a. Aristotle’s natural philosophy
b. the Dead Sea scrolls
c. the Books of Moses
d. Plato’s dialogues
33. Which of these figures was most influential in the development of the codes and customs of courtly love?
a. Abbot Suger
b. IbnSina
c. Eleanor of Aquitaine
d. Geoffrey Chaucer
34. In Dante’s medieval epic, the Divine Comedy, what does the figure of Virgil symbolize?
a. the punishment of sin
b. romantic love
c. divine revelation
d. human reason
35. Which of these figures employed the technique of fresco?
a. Giotto
b. Abbot Suger
c. Beatriz de Dia
d. Marie de France
1. The “large-stone” structures of the ancient world, such as Stonehenge in England, are called______________________________________.
2. The last and greatest empire of the ancient Near East was the _______________________ empire, ruled by Cyrus II and Darius.
3. The ancient Egyptians’ belief in many gods is an example of _______________________, the most common religious attitude of the ancient world.
4. _________________________________ is the term for the political and social policy in which a single nation or city dominates other territories as its subject nations.
5. The architectural form and building material that accounted for Romans’ innovative building program were ___________________________ and_________________________________. (2 points)
6. Muslims date their calendar from ________________________ , an important event in Muhammad’s founding of Islam.
7. The system of _____________________________ in early medieval Europe linked vassals to lords by an exchange of oaths.
8. In return for the gods’ gift of a fertile earth, the Maya of the Classic Maya were required to perform ____________________________________ as part of their worship.
9. The invention of _____________________________________, a form of sacred polyphony, was primarily the achievement of the Notre Dame School of Music.
1. The following are the capitals from three Greek columns, comprised in the “orders of architecture.” Name each type of capital.
a. _____________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
2. This sculpture is of the type known as ________________ or ________________.
3. This sculpture is of the type known as ____________________________.
4. What do you call a piece of literature that is laid out like this?
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
`’Tis some visitor,’ I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door –
Only this, and nothing more.’
This type of literature is called ____________________________________________.
5. What is the name of this instrument?
This instrument is called a _____________________________________.