
Illegal immigration

choose a topic below, read 4 articles to educate yourself. Try to come up with a research question that asks about something specific to these topics. Usually, the answer to that question will be your working thesis, that asserts a specific part of the subject matter, and not a general statement. From there you will write a four-page paper that includes no more than four different outside sources (paraphrased and/or quoted) and no more than four in-text citations (that means 1 quote or paraphrase per article, not 4 per article).

TOPIC: Illegal Immigration

You must have a works cited page, and you must attach the single page from the article(s)/book(s)/Website(s) you use. Make sure to highlight what you’ve taken from that source. This means that your whole paper will be a minimum 7 pages (3 pages + 1 works cited + 3 article attachments = 7). If your paper is incomplete or does not come down ¾ of the last page, you will receive an F for this assignment. *

Please make sure to check your paper for every single minute detail that we have been practicing for, especially with checking the MLA format for in-text citations as well as the works cited page. Lastly, you must use at least one newspaper article, one professional journal, and/or a magazine. You may use a website, but it must be a .org or .gov. DO NOT use .com. If you use Google, it must come from “Google Scholar.”




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