International Business will have to manage significant shifts in global power during the next few decades. India is in a better position than South Af
1.Introduction to International Business
• What is international business?
• A typology of international business firms
• The international environment of firms
• What is meant by the
term globalization?
• What are the main
drivers of globalization?
• The debate on globalization Reading and Preparation Week
Reading: Daniels, J.D. Radebaugh, L.H. & Sullivan, D.P. (2009, 12e),
International Business: Environments & Operations, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, Chapter 1 – this is available as a
digital document on the NOW system.
Preparation work – Worksheet 1 – Introduction to International Business
Active Learning Exercise: Carnival Cruise Lines: Exploiting a Sea of Global Opportunities – this is the in the
digital reading
Daniels, J.D. Radebaugh, L.H. & Sullivan, D.P. (2009, 12e), on NOW.
11 08.10.12 1. National differences in political economy
• Understand how the
political systems of
countries differ.
• Understand how the
economic systems of
countries differ.
• Understand how the legal
systems of countries
2. Business environment in Africa
Preparation work – Worksheet 1 – Introduction to International Business
Reading: Daniels, J.D. Radebaugh, L.H. & Sullivan, D.P. (2009, 12e),
International Business: Environments & Operations, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, Chapter 1 – this is available as a
digital document on the NOW system.
• Introduction to Module
a) Examination of module documentation
b) Set text
c) NOW
d) Assessment
e) Introduction to the context of the module
f) Workload expectation
g) Set up the debate groups for future seminars
• Active Learning Exercise: Carnival Cruise Lines: Exploiting a Sea of Global Opportunities – this is in
the digital reading
– Daniels, J.D. Radebaugh, L.H. & Sullivan, D.P. (2009, 12e),
on NOW.
12 15.10.12 1. Differences in culture
• What is culture?
• The determinants of culture
• Identify the sources that lead to differences in social culture
• Identify the business and economic implications of differences in culture
• Understand how differences in social culture influence values in the work place.
2. Communication in
(Professor Weili Teng)
Preparation work – Worksheet 2 National Political Economy
Reading: Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 2, p 40-85.
• Questions: See worksheet 2
• Active Learning Exercise: India’s Transformation, p81
13 22.10.12
1. Business environment in India
(Dr Banita Lal)
2. Traditional trade theory
• Understand why nations trade with each other.
• Be familiar with the different theories explaining trade flows between nations.
Preparation work – Worksheet 3 International business and culture
Reading: Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 3, p 87-121.
• Questions: – Worksheet 3
• Active Learning Exercise: Wal-Mart’s Foreign Expansion, p118-119
14 29.10.12
1. New trade theory
• Increasing Product Variety and Reducing Costs
• Economies of Scale, First-Mover Advantages and the Pattern of Trade
• Implications of New Trade Theory
2.Business environment in Southeast Asia
(Ms Aldilla Dharmasasmita)
Preparation work – Worksheet 4 Understanding International trade
Reading: Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 5, p159-195
• Questions: – Worksheet 4
• Active Learning Exercise: Boeing versus Airbus: Two Decades of Trade Disputes, p302-307
15 05.11.12 1.Regional economic integration
• Regional integration and globalization
• Levels and forms of integration
• Major regional economic groupings
• Static and dynamic effects of regional economic integration
2. Business environment in Russia
(Dr Sergej Ljubownikow)
Preparation work – Worksheet 5 European Union
Reading: Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 8, p265-295
• Questions: – Worksheet 5
• Active Learning Exercise: NAFTA and the United States Textile Industry, p 298.
16 12.11.12 1. Foreign Direct Investment
• Foreign investment in the global economy
• Patterns of FDI
• Traditional and eclectic theories of FDI
2. Business environment in France
(Mr Chris Crabot)
Reading: Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 7, p212-245
• Debate preparation– Groups A and B
Here is the motion of the first debate:
• “This house believes that….International Business will have to manage significant shifts in global power
during the next few decades. China is in a better position than Russia to succeed in the new global economy“.
• Group A – support the motion
Group B – contest the motion
• Debate preparation workshop – Groups C and D
Here is the motion of the second debate:
• “This house believes that….International Business will have to manage significant shifts in global power
during the next few decades. India is in a better position than South Africa to succeed in the new global
Group C – support the motion
Group D – contest the motion
17 19.11.12 1. The Foreign Exchange Market
• Be conversant with the functions of the foreign exchange market
• Understand what is meant by spot exchange rates
• Understand the different theories explaining how currency exchange rates are determined and their relative
2.Biotechnology and international business in the UK
(Mr Amon Simba) Reading: Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 9, p311-339.
First assessed debate – Groups A and B
18 26.11.12 1. The International
Monetary System
• The international monetary system
• Review of the system’s evolution.
• The Global Capital Market.
• Important segments of the Global Capital Market:
• Implications for international business
2.Coursework briefing
Reading: Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 10, p340-366.
Second assessed debate – Groups C and D
19 03.12.12 1.Ethics and sustainability in international business
• Ethical considerations in international business
• Norms, values and ethics
2.Corporate social responsibility in international business
• Corporate responsibility in the global economy
• CSR and the international firm Preparation work – Worksheet 6 Foreign Direct Investment
Reading: Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 7, p230-264.
• Questions: – Worksheet 6
Active Learning Exercise: Starbucks Foreign Direct Investment, P308
24 07.01.12 1. IT outsourcing and offshoring
(Dr Mumin Abubakre)
2.Revision lecture Preparation work – Worksheet 7 Ethics in International Business
Reading: Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 4, p122-148.
• Questions: – Worksheet 7
• Active Learning Exercise: Google in China, p154-155.
25 14.01.13 No lecture Revision – make an appointment to see your seminar tutor.
26 21.01.13 Personal revision – make an appointment to see your seminar tutor if you require more
27 28.01.13 Submit your individual research report by 12 at noon on Monday 28 January 2013
• Please be aware that the Lecture and Seminar Programme might make slight changes due to the availability
of guest lecturers!
Worksheet 1
Introduction to International Business
Set Reading & Preparation
1. Daniels, J.D. Radebaugh, L.H. & Sullivan, D.P. (2009, 12e),
International Business: Environments & Operations, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, Chapter 1. This is a digital file
available in the module area on NOW.
2. Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 1, p 2-36.
Before coming to this session attempt the task-work & discussion questions listed below. Enter some notes in the
spaces provided.
a) What do we mean by the term ‘international business’?
b) Highlight some of the differences between international and domestic business.
c) Why might companies engage in international business?
d) How do firms conduct or ‘carry out’ their international business transactions and operations? Ensure that your
answer differentiates between leading ‘modes of operation’ (modes of entry).
Active Learning Exercise: Carnival Cruise Lines: Exploiting a Sea of Global Opportunities
In addition to answering the questions above, examine the Carnival Cruise Lines: case study at the end of the set
reading (digital file).
During the class we will work in small groups to consider what this case tells us about the varied character of
international business today and evidence some of the challenges in producing and marketing products/services on
an international basis.
Worksheet 2
National Political Economy
Set Reading & Preparation
Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 2, p40-85.
Before coming to this session attempt the task-work & discussion questions listed below. Enter some notes in the
spaces provided.
1.What do we mean by political, economic and legal systems? Highlight major forms of each of these supported with
some examples.
2. Identify the major changes that have occurred in spread of democracy and free market economies during the
last two decades.
3. Explain the following concepts as relevant to investors and business managers: political risk; economic
risk; legal risk.
4. Why do international investors need to make risk assessments before investing in overseas projects? Can
you think of examples where developments overseas have badly affected a company’s sales, operations or
Active Learning Exercise: India’s Transformation, p81-82
After attempting the questions above, conduct some research on this case study and answer the case discussion
Web world
Another Perspective: The U.S. State Department produces a series of annual “Country Reports” to acquaint American
businesses with other countries. The site is {}.
Another Perspective: A summary of U.S. Trademark law, which may be interesting to you can be found at
Another Perspective: The World Intellectual Property Organization’s web site contains extensive information on
various treaties and agreements between countries regarding the protection of intellectual property. The site is
Worksheet 3
International business and culture
Set Reading & Preparation
Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 3, p 86-117.
Before coming to this session attempt the task-work & discussion questions listed below. Enter some notes in the
spaces provided.
a) What is culture?
b) What are the main determinants of national culture?
c) What is ethnocentrism? How can we guard against the dangers of ethnocentric behavior?
d) Examine the summary of your own national culture, available @ and
e) Assess the ratings for your own national culture along Hofstede’s five bi-polar dimensions:
f) Compare and contrast the frameworks of Hofstede and
Trompenaars. Are there significant differences in content and/or
Active Learning Exercise: Wal-Mart’s Foreign Expansion
In addition to the question work above, examine the Wal-Mart’s case study p118-119 in the set chapter and answer
the discussion questions on Page 119. During the class we will work in small groups to examine the case.
Web based materials
Another Perspective: Duke University’s Department of Religion sponsors a web site that offers links to and brief
descriptions of four of the most comprehensive sites for religion on the Internet. These are excellent sites that
provide a broad array of information to augment the information about religion provided in the textbook. The site
is available at {}.
Another Perspective: To give students an opportunity to “experience” cultural differences create a mock business
meeting. Executive Planet maintains a web site, {}, with
guidelines for doing business in different countries. The site allows visitors to explore relevant issues in a
variety of cultures.
Worksheet 4
Understanding International Trade
Set Reading & Preparation
Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 5, p158-189.
Before coming to this session attempt the task-work & discussion questions listed below. Enter some notes in the
spaces provided.
a) Outline the principal arguments for free trade between nations. Ensure reference to key theories.
b) Identify major instruments of protectionism.
c) What are some of the justifications for restrictions on trade and for the protection of domestic markets?
Ensure reference to key theories.
d) What issues are presently dominating the WTO’s agenda?
Active Learning Exercise – Boeing versus Airbus: Two Decades of Trade Disputes, p302-307
In addition to the question work above, examine Boeing versus Airbus ’s case study p302-307 in the set chapter and
answer the discussion questions on Page 307. During the class we will work in small groups to examine the case.
Web World
Worksheet 5
European Union
Set Reading & Preparation
Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 8, p264-292.
The answers to these questions can be found at the section Europe at a Glance.
Before coming to this session attempt the task-work & discussion questions listed below. Enter some notes in the
spaces provided.
1. Outline the members of the European Union and the dates that they joined.
2. Which major treaties have contributed to the development of the EU? Identify some key points in relation
to each Treaty that you identify.
3. Which are the key EU institutions? What is their role?
4. How might a single currency be of advantage to a) businesses in Europe; b) consumers in Europe?
Active Learning Exercise – NAFTA and the United States Textile Industry, p 298.
In addition to the question work above, examine the case of ‘NAFTA and the United States Textile Industry’ and
answer the questions on page 298.
Useful websites
Sources of information on international institutions, business and exchange rates include:
www. europa.en. int
For information on past decisions of the UK Competition Commission, go to: www. uk
Worksheet 6
Foreign Direct Investment
Set Reading & Preparation
Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 7, p230-260.
Before coming to this session attempt the task-work & discussion questions listed below. Enter some notes in the
spaces provided.
a) Explain the difference between foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI).
b) What is the distinction between horizontal and vertical FDI?
c) Why do firms undertake FDI? Employ and reference theories of FDI in order to answer this question.
d) Identify some of the major modes or ‘forms’ of foreign direct investment (FDI). Assess their advantages
and disadvantages.
e) Countries can adopt policies designed to encourage and restrict the FDI. Give examples of such policies and
explain the possible benefits and costs of FDI to host countries.
Active Learning Exercise 1 – Starbucks’s Foreign Direct Investment case study
In addition to the question work above, examine the case notes ‘Starbucks Foreign Direct Investment’ p308
featured in the set chapter reading.
Web World
Another Perspective: Students may want to explore Starbucks’ web site to see where its most recent stores have
opened, and what form of investment was used. The site is available at {}. Click on
“international” to see a list of countries where the company operates.
Another Perspective: To expand this case, consider asking students to explore Starbucks’ recent entry into the
French market, and its strategic changes in its Chinese operations. Details on both can be found at
{} and
Worksheet 7
Ethics and international firms
Set Reading & Preparation
Charles.W. Hill (2011, 8e),
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, NY: McGraw Hill Inc., Chapter 4, p122-148.
Before coming to this session attempt the task-work & discussion questions listed below. Enter some notes in the
spaces provided.
1. Explain the term ethics and why is it a legitimate area of study?
2. Identify the key ethical issues for international business and use some relevant examples to collaborate
your discussion.
3. Outline and establish the differences between the key philosophical approaches to ethics.
4. What are the key actions that international business managers can use to ensure that ethics are embedded
in their organisations?
Active Learning Exercise – Google in China, p154.
Read the case study in the reading pack in the set text and consider the following questions:
1. What philosophical principle did Google’s managers adopt when deciding that the benefits of operating in
China outweighed the costs?
2. Do you think that Google should have entered China and engaged in self-censorship, given the company’s
long-standing mantra” Don’t be evil”? Is it better to engage in self-censorship than have the government censor
for you?
3. If all foreign search engines companies declined to invest directly in China due to concerns over
censorship, what do you think the results would be? Who would benefit most from this action? Who would lose the
4. Provide the group with more information on Google’s international operations, go to the company’s web site
at {}.
5. Useful websites
Pressure group websites include:
www. tiwf. co. uk
The issue of sustainability can be considered at:
Visit The Body Shop website for material on human rights and environmental issues: uk
The Business Owners Toolkit has a section on pricing and elasticity:
KPMG has a section devoted to business ethics:
Appendix 1: Debating skills and marking criteria
A debate is, basically, an argument. That is not to say that it is an undisciplined shouting match between parties
that passionately believe in a particular point of view. In fact the opposite is true. Debating has strict rules
of conduct and quite sophisticated arguing techniques and you will often be in a position where you will have to
argue the opposite of what you believe in.
Assessment of team-based debates can encompass an evaluation of several elements:
Organisational skills (planning, co-ordination etc.)
Agenda setting
Content of case (arguments, evidence etc.)
Skills of persuasion
Presentation standards
Data management
Arguing techniques
Responsive skills
As noted in the main ‘briefing’, assessment for this exercise relates to your performance vis-à-vis three
categories covering those points above.
Matter is what you say, it is the substance of your speech, your rebuttals and your ‘answers’ to questions. You
should divide your matter into arguments and examples co-ordinating content across speakers. Your tutors will
examine the quality and relevance of these in all stages of the exercise – the paper, the rebuttals and succeeding
Any arguments/examples that you use should be relevant to the topic at hand and relevant to any roles adopted in
role play based exercises. Contributions which have very little or nothing to do with the topic and/or role only
make a speech look weak and lacking in substance.
Matter cannot be just a long list of examples. You do not win a debate by creating the biggest pile of facts.
Facts are like bricks in a wall, if you don’t use them and cement them together properly then they are useless.
Similarly you cannot win a debate solely by proving that some of the facts of the opposition are wrong. It may
weaken their case a little, the same way that removing some of the bricks from a wall will, but you really need to
attack the main arguments that the other side presents to bring the whole wall crashing down.