
Microsoft Corporation (System training, Security, Control, and Maintenance Plan)

Topic: System training, Security, Control, and Maintenance Plan

PROVIDE an EXPLANATION of how operators and employees will be trained to be comfortable with your proposed

In addition to the TRAINING PLAN, WRITE A SECURITY PLAN for your company information system explaining how you
will protect hardware, software, proprietary and customer information, and company staff from internal and
external threats. The PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE A BRIEF EXPLANATION about what is meant by a security culture and
what a manager should do to emphasize a security culture within his or her organization.

The SECURITY PLAN SHOULD ALSO DISCUSS HOW you will perform a risk assessment of your company information needs
and what, if anything you would expect to do to offset any proposed risk, or threat to your proposed
management information system.

Include an EXPLANATION OF HOW YOU WILL MAINTAIN your system when it becomes operational.

This is what I got for the instructions from my professor:

Provide an explanation of how operators and employees will be trained to be comfortable with your proposed

In addition to the training plan, write a security plan for your company information system explaining how you
will protect hardware, software, proprietary and customer information, and company staff from internal and
external threats. The plan should include a brief explanation about what is meant by a security culture and
what a manager should do to emphasize a security culture within his or her organization.

The security plan should also discuss how you will perform a risk assessment of your company information needs  and what, if anything you would expect to do to offset any proposed risk, or threat to your proposed  management information system.