
Minneapolis youth and gun violence

i. The clarity of the issue
1. What central questions and hypotheses are stated?
2. What theories are evoked?
ii. The appropriateness of the research design and data analysis
techniques used
1. What are the independent and dependent variables?
2. What sampling techniques are used?
iii. The measurement of key indicators
1. What threats to validity exist in the research design?
iv. The correspondence between what the authors claim and what their
reported data analysis actually demonstrates
1. What conclusions can be made from this research?
2. What are the implications for criminal justice research,
policy and practice?
v. Your overall view of the article
1. Strengths and limitations
2. A discussion of methodologies used in your empirical articles
a. Pay attention to the methods and data analysis sections of the articles you
choose. Spend a bit of time in your paper discussing how the authors
evaluated whether or not their hypotheses were correct, what data they
collected, whether they used quantitative or qualitative data analysis, etc.
Review your notes/text from CJS 483 (Research Seminar) to write this
4. A discussion of diversity issues/concerns related to the topic
a. This discussion will vary from topic to topic. Look for diversity issues in
your empirical articles and other sources you found for this lit review.
Ground your original arguments (regarding diversity) in empirical
evidence! Using the above example again, perhaps it is easier for middle
class women who have the resources to hire a psychologist to help them,
but women who are of lower socioeconomic status have to rely on social
services to provide this type of counseling. This is an issue related to
5. A discussion of the ethics associated with this topic
a. Again, this will vary from topic to topic. Look for ethical issues in your
empirical articles and other sources you found for this lit review. Ground
your original arguments (regarding ethics) in empirical evidence!
Considering the example above again, the ethical issue that comes to mind
is that some in the court system may want to order domestic assault
victims to seek treatment. The ethical problem comes in if women do not
follow this order (in other words, do not comply with a court order) which
would generally mean some type of punishment for lack of compliance.
Many would argue that this is re-victimizing someone who is already a
victim, which would raise serious ethical concerns.