
project managements

26. You are the Project Manager on a project where a seller is not performing to contract. The products delivered by the seller do not adhere to the acceptance testing requirements described in the contract. To make matters worse, despite negotiations, the seller is not motivated to substantially correct the issues, and your procurement is at a standstill. Explain your options in resolving this matter short of litigation or ADR.

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27. The PMBOK describes 6 “competing project constraints.” Select three of those constraints and explain their potential effect on project procurements.

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28. A prospective seller, Seller XYZ, calls you to discuss the pricing contained in the response her company had previously provided to you. In addition to being a large customer of your company, Seller XYZ has also been a dependable, long-time supplier to your company. You would really like to see them win the business for your project. As the Project’s Procurement Manager, you have visibility into all of the pricing provided by other prospective sellers. During your discussions, Seller XYZ asks you for “guidance” on her company’s pricing so that they can be competitive with the other prospective sellers. How do you respond to Seller XYZ? Explain your thought process in deciding how to respond and, if appropriate, reference one or more relevant codes of ethics that may apply to this situation.

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29. Project Manager Harley Davidson has developed an RFP to request response from sellers. Based on the requirements and specifications associated with the procurement, Harley believes the sellers will likely be niche technology start-up companies that will be called upon to produce a significant quantity of the products they produce to fulfill the needs of Harley Davidson’s project. What key Source Selection Criteria should Harley include to rate or score the sellers’ responses?
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31. Project Manager Suzy Q is involved in managing two different sellers, one of whom is performing under a fixed-price contract type and the other that is performing under a cost-reimbursable contract type. Describe (a) which phase of Project Procurements Suzy Q is in, and (b) what tools and techniques that Suzy Q could use to manage each seller’s performance under their respective contracts, and how the two differing contract types might require different tools and techniques.

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32. Describe the role of the Project Manager in Project Procurement Management, including identifying what the Project Manager is and is not responsible for in the procurement process.

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33. Describe the PMBOK’s recommended process by which a buyer prepares to request seller responses for any given procurement.

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34. Buyer Bobbie Sue and Seller Billy Bob are disputing the delivery of products called for under their contract. Bobbie Sue says that the products that she pre-paid for do not conform to the requirements of the contract, but Billy Bob refuses to refund the payment or replace the products. Bobbie Sue and Billy Bob have tried to work out their differences through negotiation, but cannot come to an agreement. This has resulted in a contract dispute. Explain the dispute resolution options available to Bobbie Sue and Billy Bob, and the primary benefits of each option.

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35. Project Manager Lani Jo is evaluating whether to have her company’s IT department develop the software needed by her project. Based on the Plan Procurements process of Project Procurement Management, describe the technique(s) and factors Bobbie Sue should use in making her decision.

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36. Name the contract type that cannot legally be used for US Government procurements, and why that contract type should not be used.

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Q1: What are the three models of cloud computing according to the NIST clouding computing reference architecture? List the advantages and disadvantages of each model. (10 points)

Q2: What are the major network management functions? (10 points)

Q3: Compare SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3. (10 points)

Q4: Describe DiffServ Code Point (DSCP). (10 points)

Q5: What are the major Web application security issues and mitigation mechanisms? Please explain them. (10 points)

Q6: What are the major Web peer to peer application security issues and mitigation mechanisms? Please explain them. (10 points)

Q7: What are the cellular mobile network and device management functions? Please describe each one. (10 points)

Q8: Explain the differences among an intranet, extranet, and the Internet. Provide three examples to illustrate an appropriate use for each of them. (10 points)

Q9: Conduct research on the Internet and find what IoT vendor products and platforms are already available or about to be released – list at least 3 and provide a short description for each one. (10 points)

Q10: Describe one real or future (even imaginary) IoT (or CPS – Cyber Physical System) usecase. Provide details on the system(s) requirements from user(s)/actor(s) perspective. (10 points)

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