I. Draw an E-R diagram that depicts the relationship between Person, Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), Driver’s License, Vehicle Registration, Insurance Policy and Citations. The purpose of this Logical Database Design is to create a customer profile database for the DMV usage.
The following data items are needed: SSN, person name, and person address
Driver’s License #, expiration date, DOB, insurance policy #, name of provider, type of coverage (full or liability), citation #, speeding ticket, parking ticket and High Occupancy Vehicle-3 ticket, DMV identifier, DMV address (Street, City, State), Registration ID,
Vehicle type, vehicle manufacture, weight, registration date, expiration date for registration, make assumptions for your role and business rules as well as other data elements if needed.
The following business rules are applied:
1. Each person is uniquely identified by a SSN.
2. Each person can have only one driver’s license.
3. Each Driver License can only be issued by only one DMV.
4. Each Vehicle must be registered through DMV.
5. Each driver must have at least one insurance policy per vehicle.
6. Each driver could have multiple traffic citations.