Responding to a Government Solicitation
You will assume a contractor?s role for this assignment. Select any business opportunity posted at the Federal
Business Opportunities Web site, at Analyze the solicitation and any other available
information about the opportunity.
This is the link to the opportunity:
1. Describe your business (make up the details based on the specifications of the opportunity). Remember you are
assuming the role of a contractor who will bid on the opportunity you select, therefore, describe your
hypothetical business and why it is relevant to the proposal you selected).
2. Summarize the opportunity you chose, including these details:
a. Opportunity name and project location
b. Solicitation Number
c. Agency
d. Office
e. [Office] Location
f. URL
3. Speculate on the steps you would follow to decide whether or not your company should bid on this opportunity,
including the criteria you would use to assist in making this decision. Tips: please review p.p. 228-230 of
Engelbeck, you will need to not only list but also describe at least four [4] criteria you would consider before
making a decision to bid or not. If you want to go the extra mile, in addition to four criteria, you may want to
offer an assessment of the Figure 5-2 as it relates to your position on bidding or not).
4. Identify and justify the areas of expertise or the professions you want represented in the proposal team once
your company decides to bid. (concentrate on material offered on p.p. 227-228 of Engelbeck, list as many
participants as needed to make a reasonable bid team for your business and the bid itself. I am not stating a
required minimum number of participants since everyone?s team will be different ? simply use your best
professional and scholarly judgment on how many people and why).
5. Describe the major steps in the proposal preparation and each team member?s role therein. (review p.p. 221-224,
including Figure 5-1. Also, there is a lot of material between p.p. 231-238 on bid preparation; you may want to
mention some of this material as well, including Tables 5-3 and 5-4).
6. List at least three (3) questions about the solicitation to the agency for which you require the answers for a
complete proposal. (here you can use your expertise from this and previous chapters to list and briefly describe
the significance of at least three relevant questions you would ask).
7. Choose one (1) asset of your company that you would stress in the proposal. Describe it briefly and justify
your choice. (please use your expertise from this and other material you have learned to describe an asset you
would stress within your proposal ? the asset could be tangible, or intangible. You will notice many proposals in
both the private and public sectors stress an asset drive theme within them ? what would your asset drive theme be?)