1. Is Socrates right to claim that a wise person will always act well?
2. Plato argues that democracy is a wholly inadequate form of government because it places political power in
the hands of those least fit to use it. Is he right about this?
3. Is Aristotle right to say that virtues of character lie between an excess and deficiency?
4. Is Epicurus right to argue that the cultivation of expensive and unnecessary tastes do not increase life’s
pleasures, but only make it harder for us to live a pleasant life?
5. Is Aquinas right to claim that it is always wrong to intentionally kill innocent people? Why is intention
so important here?
6. According to the doctrine of double effect, there is a clear moral difference between terror bombing (for
example, the fire-bombing of Japanese cities during World War II) and strategic bombing (for example, bombing a
munitions factory) even if the two bombings lead to equivalent civilian deaths. Is this right?
7. Hobbes argues that a state of nature will inevitably lead to a war of all against all. Is he right?
8. Locke’s view of natural rights is based on his religious convictions. Can the idea of natural rights
survive outside of this religious viewpoint? If natural rights are not based upon the authority of God, what can they be based upon?