the Consumer Credit Acts and (ii) by the Financial Services Act 2012.
Question 1. Discuss and compare the management strategies of the USFWS, highlighting the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Question 2. Summarize how the National Park System has addressed the issue of “social carrying capacity.”
Question 3. Based on the information in Chapter 13, review the cases presented on pages 560-563 (Southern Appalachian and Everglades). Discuss your assessment of each, including the pros and cons of each.
Reference: John Loomis, Integrated Public Lands Management
Question 4. Assess the National Forest Plan for the Siuslaw National Forest (pp. 313-327). Select two specific management areas where you would apply different approaches and explain why you would do so.
Reference: John Loomis, Integrated Public Lands Management
Question 5. Assess the information on the effects of timber harvesting on elk populations (pp. 355-359). Discuss your opinion on the application of cost-benefit analysis to this situation.
Reference: John Loomis, Integrated Public Lands Management
Question 6. Explain how you, as a GIS specialist, could apply GIS technology to managing a multiple-use area with mining and wildlife preservation. There is no specific answer to this question, it is an exercise requiring you to create your own management suggestion