
the form of an analysis of transformations in contemporary arrangements of technology, work, and culture based upon a chosen text books:

Berardi, F. ?Bifo? (2009) Precarious Rhapsody: Semiocapitalism and the Pathologies of the Post-Alpha Generation.
London: Minor Compositions.

Carson, K. (2010) The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A Low?Overhead Manifesto. New York: Booksurge.

Dean, Jodi (2009) Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism & Left Politics. Durham: Duke
University Press.

Fleming, Peter and Carl Cederstrom (2012) Dead Man Working. Winchester: Zero Books.

Fleming, Peter (2009) Authenticity and the Cultural Politics of Work: New Forms of Informal Control. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.

Marazzi, C. (2008) Capital & Language: From New Economy to War Economy. New York: Semiotexte.

Shirky, Clay (2008) Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations. London: Penguin Books.

After reading your chosen book you are to write a critical-reflective essay that considers what this book
contributes to our understanding of current developments in management, society, and new forms of work. This means
you are not simply to summarize the text, but also to apply them to relevant topics from the module, and consider
possible limitations to the author?s arguments. You are to do this by analyzing how the chosen text relates to
topics and themes considered in the lectures and discussions.

Possible themes for consideration could include, but are not limited to: changes in working practices and
patterns, the changed nature of value production in capitalism, immaterial and affective labour, the role of
knowledge and communication in the contemporary workplace, the influence of work areas outside of the workplace,
free labour and network cultures, open source/ process production, and the transformation of organizations by
networked communication.