
Transregional and Comparative Buddhism

SBT answers the question by advancing an appropriate world-historical thesis*/argument.

(Is there one?; What is its quality? Is it sustained? Does it govern a meaningful organization?) Depending
on the question asked, appropriate argumentation might explore: causation, comparison/contrast, trans-regional
connectivity, and/or patterns of continuity and/or change over time. Argument should be advanced clearly by every
paragraph of the paper (and in fact should shape the paper’s organization).
SBT incorporates ALL the documentsprovided to explore that thesis effectively.
(All there? More than a list? Grouped meaningfully?) Documents are not merely listed, but depending on question
might be compared, contrasted, grouped, or synthesized in ways that get the argument across.
SBT analyzes the documents to answer the question (including such issues as type of source andpoint of view).
(*ID of source MUST go beyond simply labeling as primary or ancient secondary, to explain why/how that
identification matters for answering the question at hand.)
(Source type and p.o.v. identified? Consideration of how type/p.o.v. impacts argument?) Analyzes the
sources’ unique perspective(s), keeping in mind the type of source that is being used (and the strengths and
limits of that kind of source for answering the question at hand).
SBT mines the documents to pull out useful details that help to make the argument.
(Details from sources used? How well are they used?) More than just repeating what is in the source; details
from each source are used in advancing the thesis.Don’t just say a source is evidence for a point; EXPLAIN, with
detail, how that is the case.Do not excessively quote from sources.
SBT includes world historical specifics (names, dates, places) learned from WTWA and lecture.
(Relevant to the texts at hand? Specifics relevant to broader world historical context?) Demonstrates
mastery of basic world historical content relevant to the question, i.e. the who, what, when, and where.
Chronological and geographical context especially important. (This is NOT a research-based assignment, but you may
need to look-up a detail in a resource such as Wikipedia or, better yet, the Berkshire Encyclopedia of World
History. Cite properly, if consulted)
SBT incorporates other documents or ancient sources mentioned in WTWA, lecture, or in discussion section.
(Another ancient document/source mentioned? Appropriateness of other doc/source?) Demonstrates understanding
of which ancient sources discussed in lecture, section, and WTWA (esp. the “Primary Source” pages) — as well as
other ancient sources in SDMA or Museum of Man — are relevant to the question posed.
SBT explains the need for an additional ancient source type that would help answer the question.
(Appropriateness of the hypothesized source? Rationale explained?) Demonstrates an understanding of the types
of ancient sources available for exploring the world historical issue at hand.
SBT adheres to a style appropriate to history-writing.
Proper spelling? Proper grammar? Proper Sentence Structure? Proper citation? Writing (mechanics such as
spelling, grammar, sentence structure, word choice, etc.) is appropriate and does not distract from the
articulation of the argument.