
Family Assessment



The first step in the continuum of intervention is assessment. This assignment is designed to develop an
understanding of a framework for resiliency practice. Following the outline below, complete an trauma-informed
assessment of the resiliency factors for yourself and your family of origin. No one knows better than you the
factors that shape success as well as the stresses that may inhibit it.
In summary:
Define your family system. This definition should be supplemented by a graphic representation (i.e. genogram,
culturagram, eco-map)
Describe and discuss the key processes of family resilience: Belief Systems, Organizational Patterns,
Communication Processes as they apply to yourself and your family. Use Walsh, Chapters 1-6.
Identify current stressors for yourself and your family. Discuss the individual, interpersonal, environmental and
community risk factors, including any social, economic and political injustices.
Describe and discuss the current status of the protective mechanisms utilized by yourself and your family. As
above, discuss individual, interpersonal, environmental and community protective factors including any social,
economic and political supports.
Discuss the impact of race, class, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and differing personal abilities upon
family resilience, stressors and protective mechanisms.
Reflect on your experience in conducting an assessment on yourself. How would you deal with these feelings
in your trauma-informed work with families?






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family assessment

Complete a family assessment based on a family portrayed in one of the following television programs:


• The Sopranos

• Everybody Loves Raymond

• Jon and Kate Plus Eight

• Mad Men

• Meet the Browns

• Intervention

• Sons of Anarchy


Based on observations of this specific family, gather the assessment data according to the questions on pp. 515-17 of Community Health Nursing: Promoting and Protecting the Public’s Health.


Because this assessment in based on observations only, your data may be somewhat subjective. Try to substantiate your assessment conclusions with data. You will then write a family assessment paper. In this paper, describe the family according to structure, developmental level, family functions, and roles.


• Does this family meet the characteristics of a healthy family? Why or why not?

• What are this family’s strengths and weaknesses?

• Based on identified weaknesses, determine a family nursing diagnosis, and individual and collaborative health promotion interventions.