CBT Assignment Case Example 4 Mrs. Almo, a 49 year-old housewife with

CBT Assignment Case Example 4

Mrs. Almo, a 49 year-old housewife with good past health was first seen when her husband reported that she had started forgetting things. She would not remember her daughter’s name or where she had to be on a particular day. This was happening more frequently, and although it was noticeable to him, his wife didn’t seem to find anything wrong. When she came in, Mrs. Almo complained of feeling depressed because she thought that her marital relationship had deteriorated. After assessment, she was diagnosed as having anxiety-depression, along with mild young-onset dementia. Mrs. Almo noticed a decrease in the sexual activities with her husband. Mr. Almo (age 52) attributed this to a problem of impotence because of ageing. However, Mrs. Almo thought that this signified that her husband did not love her anymore. As a result, she frequently lost her temper in front of her husband. The next day, however, she would not remember this. Mrs. Almo also felt that her son (age 13) and daughter (age 19) did not care for her enough. They were not listening to her or respecting her. They argued with each other and she frequently felt angry. She was worrying about their future as she thought they were not obedient. She started experiencing memory loss, and this frustrated her even more, when she couldn’t find her keys, or when others reported that she’d missed an appointment.
Mrs. Almo was born to a family with traditional Chinese beliefs. Her parents liked boys much better than girls. Being a girl, the eldest daughter out of eight siblings, Mrs. Almo found the only value she had was to earn money for the family. She did not feel loved and her parents were only concerned about their income from her. Based on pre-treatment assessments, results showed that Mrs. Almo suffered from anxiety and depression which were in the moderate/severe range. Item analysis further revealed that she has fear of rejection and loneliness. She set high standards for herself and had a fear of failure.

How will you develop a case formulation and treatment plan, using CBT?

Based on the case example you have chosen, pick a CBT-based activity(expressive e Therapy) that will help you support your client.

Write a paper based on your intervention and include the following:
– Presenting problem

-Identify core beliefs, cognitive distortions, assumptions
-Identify connection between belief, attitude and behaviour
-Length of your intervention
-Barriers, if any, to successful intervention
-Follow-ups, if any – who, when, how